Screenshot automation for Oracle APEX février 5, 2024 Goal: collect screenshots for each page of an Oracle APEX application in order to prepare a user documentation. I considered a custom developement for…
Eglise Saint-Jean Baptiste des sept Deniers janvier 30, 2024 Cette église, Saint-Jean Baptiste des sept Deniers à Toulouse, a été construite selon les plans de l’architecte Jean Montier et a été inaugurée en…
Kafka REST Proxy and Oracle APEX janvier 29, 2024 Goal Use the Kafka REST Proxy through an Oracle APEX client application.This Oracle APEX sample App, available on Github, includes a simple KAFKA producer…
Oracle Rules for calling a web service janvier 29, 2024 In short, this is a table of my observations: From site HTTP HTTPS Other ports than 80 or 443 Y Y Y Cloud…
New features Oracle APEX from 21.1 janvier 24, 2024 VERSION FEATURE DESCRIPTION 23.2 Application Working Copies With the introduction of this new feature, you can now create a copy of your application (Working…
ORDS and authentication against Oracle APEX user directory novembre 14, 2023 Let’s considering the paper about Oracle REST Data Service authentication It’s a very useful for starting with Oauth. I’m adding just some infos about…
In the air septembre 29, 2023 Dimanche, 6h du matin. Je choisis finalement mon survêtement bleu du PSG, je remplis un sac avec le Mavic Pro, deux batteries de rechange…
Initialization JavaScript Function for popup item in Oracle APEX septembre 14, 2023 This is a snippet code which generates a code snippet for a popup lov item generates the « Initialization JavaScript Function » attribute for a popup…
Combined APEX chart with ORDERS table septembre 10, 2023 This demo is base on the standard demo tables ORDERS et ORDER_ITEMS. The goal is to produce a chart with a monthly amount stacked…
FOP Lab – Experimental APEX Project septembre 6, 2023 This application is an experimental project dedicated to developers who need to build sql query generating XML. In addition, the application generates a default…