Initialization JavaScript Function for popup item in Oracle APEX

This is a snippet code which generates a code snippet for a popup lov item generates the « Initialization JavaScript Function » attribute for a popup lov item in an Oracle APEX application


Download code from

import and run gen_initjs.sql script Optionnaly: import rest module from ORDS_REST_DEMO_ujs_2023_09_13.sql

This tool relies on Oracle JQuery UI dialog features.


Either from sql editor as:

select gen_initjs(<APPLICATION_ID>,<LOV_NAME>) from dual 

or by calling the rest module as:<APPLICATION_ID>/<LOV_NAME>


Without initialization code

With initialization code

Generated JS code

function(options) {
     options.defaultGridOptions = {
         columns: [{
             TABLE_NAME: {
                     heading: "Table or view Name",
                     width: 300,
                     alignment: "start",
                     headingAlignment: "start",
                     sortIndex: 1,
                     sortDirection: "desc",
                     canSort: true,
                     noStretch: true
             T: {
                     heading: "Type",
                     width: 100,
                     alignment: "center",
                     headingAlignment: "start",
                     canSort: true,
                     noStretch: true
return options;

About the author

GPM Factory