Services Oracle DaaS

Le terme DATA est assez ambigu car, s’il signifie sans équivoque le « profil client/prospect » pour quelqu’un du Marketing, il évoquera plutôt une notion de
SGBD en cloud pour un autre type d’audience.
Pour rappel les offres du DaaS sont les suivantes:

DaaS for Marketing (ex bluekai)

  • marketing cross channel
  • reciblage publicitaire (retargeting)‹

cf post sur le sujet des DMP.

Oracle Data as a Service (DaaS) for Marketing is big data for marketing. It provides a common place for over 30 third-party data vendors to make data
available, and for marketers like you to purchase that aggregated data to activate on any channel—including display, social, and mobile channels—so you
can reach accurately-targeted customers who are ready to buy.

Oracle Data as a Service (DaaS) for Marketing provide a robust toolset in the Oracle BlueKai platform, which allows you to create audiences across
hundreds of data sources, so you can unlock the value in that data and activate it on any channel, including display, social and mobile, to speak to

We refer to this whole process as data activation and it’s all about using what you know to power what you do. It’s all about turning insights into
actions to make your marketing work.

‹DaaS for Sales (partenariat avec Dun & Bradstreet)

Utilisé pour de la qualification commerciale

Meet its customers’ ongoing needs to qualify customers and improve the productivity of sales and marketing team members, for ultimate profitability.

DaaS for Customer Intelligence (Datalogix)€‹

Base de profiles de 300 M d’utilisateurs avec leurs interactions sur les réseaux sociaux
Plutot adapté pour du marketing B2B

Oracle Data as a Service for Customer Intelligence (DaaS for CI) enables you to analyze your own unstructured text as well as public social data, so you
can translate insights into actions that benefit you and your customers

DaaS for Customer Intelligence is designed to give companies access to the insights from data that is scattered across the Web in such places as chat
rooms, forums, surveys, and comment sections.

determine common sentiments
Users will now have access to 300 million business profiles
the product is designed primarily with B2B marketers in mind,
DaaS for CI currently captures data from these major social networks:

DaaS for CI provides a comprehensive feed of social media and news data from over 40 million sites worldwide, with new sites being added every day. These
sites include social networks, blogs, video sharing sites, forums, news, and review sites. DaaS for CI captures the full content from these sites, not
merely the summary information provided by RSS feeds, and makes it available to you using the Enhanced Social Data Feed API, which is described below.

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Google +
  • YouTube
  • Tencent Weibo

Additionally, following the deprecation of the Facebook public post/news feed API endpoints, we added support for fan page collection. Data collection on
specific fan pages is performed by request; if you want to collect this data, contact your Oracle representative.

The DaaS for CI key features are the Topic API, Enriched Social Data Feed API, and Semantic API.

  • You use the Topic API to create topics, which you then look for and analyze using the Semantic API and the Enriched Social Data Feed API. Topics are
    search queries that collect mentions of a brand, product, industry, or any subject of interest from the social space. You use topics to analyze social
    data: to determine how a particular product is doing, to understand the opinions around your competitors’ brands, to surface customer service issues, and
  • The Enriched Social Data Feed API provides access to public social data from millions of users that has been gathered, cleaned, and analyzed by Oracle.
    Based on topic requirements that you define, you use the API to retrieve files containing data that is ready for your use in your Business Intelligence
  • The Semantic API processes, categorizes, and analyzes unstructured text from your systems. This data can be derived from any source, such as call center
    transcripts, chat logs, internal community messages, and surveys. After you define the topics that you want to get information about, you send text to be
    analyzed as part of an API request; in the request, you specify which enrichments you want to obtain for the data.

About the author

GPM Factory