Oracle MCS – Concepts


Une bonne entrée en matière pour Oracle Mobile Cloud Service:

Oracle MCS
Oracle MCS


Création de services pour MAX

cf documentation Creating Services for MAX


The apps that you create using MAX are specific to the needs and activities of an organization. They’re meant for internal use, so you don’t need to download them from an application market like the iOS App Store or Google Play

Unlike MCS developers, the business users are MAX-only users. They never see MCS (and can’t log into it).

he MAX user interface recasts APIs as services that group together the business objects.

In MAX you need business objects, not endpoints, to wire your UI to data. Whether you’re creating an API specifically for MAX, retooling an existing one, or using MAX to test your API, you need to define JSON schemas for the endpoints.

In MAX, POST methods are always used for fields used for create actions. Read actions are always GET methods.

The ICS Connector API enables a mobile backend to act as a gateway to the enterprise backend.

In MCS, the Oracle Credential Store Framework (CSF) is used to manage credentials in a secure form. A credential store is a repository of security data (credentials stored as keys) that certify the authority of users and system components. CSF lets you store, retrieve, update, and delete credentials (security data) for a web service and other apps.


Oracle Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) provides the Sync Client SDK and its supporting Data Offline API for caching MCS custom and REST resources in an efficient, uniform and transparent way. The Sync Client SDK, along with the Storage SDK, also provides support for caching storage objects.

The Storage API enables your mobile app to store, update, retrieve, and delete media, such as JSON objects, text files, and images, in collections in your MCS environment. The media are stored as opaque objects, which means that each object is stored and retrieved from the collection by a a user- or system-generated GUID (globally unique ID). You use mobile user roles to control who can read and write the objects in the collection.

Note that this API isn’t intended to act as a database-as-a-service (DBaaS) solution by storing business data used by external systems, nor is it intended to host HTML 5 applications as a content management system (CMS) would.

Authentication Service

In Oracle Mobile Cloud Service (MCS), all resources are secured and can only be accessed by authenticated users. As a mobile app developer, you specify the authentication method in the mobile backend and then write app code to use that authentication method.

The authentication methods available are:

  • OAuth Consumer
  • HTTP Basic
  • Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Facebook Login

If you want to use your own identity provider to authenticate users of your apps, you can enable Oracle Cloud’s single sign-on (SSO) capability to connect with that identity provider and then configure your mobile backends to use it. This is particularly useful if you are rolling out apps for your company’s employees and you want them to be able to sign into the apps using their existing employee login credentials. Similarly, this could work for consumer applications where the customers already have user accounts for corresponding web applications.

If you develop hybrid mobile apps based on the Apache Cordova framework, you can use the SDK that Oracle Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) provides for Cordova. This SDK simplifies authentication with MCS and provides native wrapper classes for MCS platform APIs.

The Cordova SDK doesn’t support the Data Offline and Sync API.

Location Services

Location devices, places and assets provide the tools you need to create location-aware mobile apps.

  • A location device is any device that provides location services, like a Bluetooth proximity beacon. Location devices transmit an ID within a defined space, so mobile apps can use these signals to trigger notifications and other actions. MCS currently supports the following location protocols:

    • AltBeacon is an open source protocol for Bluetooth proximity beacons. For more information and the full specification, see and
    • Eddystone is Google’s open protocol for Bluetooth proximity beacons. For details, see
    • iBeacon is the Apple protocol for Bluetooth proximity beacons. For details, see
  • A place is a physical location associated with one or more location devices.
  • An asset is a mobile physical object that’s associated with one or more location devices.

A place is a physical location associated with one or more location devices. You can define places through the MCS UI or by uploading a CSV file.

An asset is a physical object that’s associated with one or more location devices, typically something mobile and valuable like a forklift or hospital bed. You can define location assets through the MCS UI or by uploading a CSV file.

A location device is any device that provides location services, like a Bluetooth proximity beacon. You can define location devices through the MCS UI or by uploading a CSV file.

Make your mobile apps location-aware by querying for location devices, places and assets using the Location Platform API.

The Location Platform API allows you to query about location devices and the places where they are located. These requests can be performed anonymously or by a user with access to a realm associated with the mobile backend where the device is registered.

Uses Cases

cf post Suhas Uliyar

Use case

MCS à Manchester Aeroport Group

Manchester Airports Group is the largest UK-owned airport operator and over 48 million passengers move through its five airports each year.

First, Oracle’s MCS 2.0 can measure both passenger footfall and passenger linger time, also known as “dwell time.” Second, MCS 2.0 uses existing Oracle Marketing tools to deliver mobile offers and promotions that can be segmented by time of day, customer profile, customer footfall and desired retail target. Finally, MCS 2.0 provides push notification capabilities so that information, offers, and promotions are delivered to each targeted passenger’s mobile phone. The end result is more informed and happier travelers, higher retail sales, improved operational efficiency, and increased in-terminal visibility.

Autre ref:

New-York MTA

SOAP Connector

Oracle Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) enables you to create SOAP connector APIs to connect to SOAP services. As a service developer, you can create connector APIs to make it easier to call these services from the implementations of your custom APIs.

The SOAP Connector API wizard will walk you through creating SOAP Connector APIs, from specifying the WSDL location of a remote service, setting a port, setting security policies, to testing your endpoints (an endpoint is simply one end of a communication channel):

You control mobile user access to apps and resources using realms and roles. Mobile users are created within a realm and assigned roles to grant access permissions.

  • A realm is a container for managing a set of users in an environment. Each realm includes a user schema that defines the user data that can be stored and made available to mobile apps in that realm. Each mobile backend in an environment can be associated with only one realm, but multiple mobile backends can be associated with the same realm, allowing them to use a shared set of users and data. To exist in MCS, a mobile user must be assigned to at least one realm.
  • A role is a security group used to grant access to custom APIs and resources. Team members define the mobile user roles for each environment. A mobile user can be assigned zero or more roles.

Database APIs

Oracle Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) provides Database APIs to help you create and manage database tables for use in mobile apps. As a service developer, you can call the Database Access API from custom code to create and access database tables, and use the Database Management API to manage and view table metadata. As a mobile cloud administrator, you can use the Database Management API to promote those tables to your staging and production environments.


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GPM Factory