Replication with WebCenter Content

Some answers given to questions from a customer

  • How delete document from staging site to production site?
    • If a document is deleted on the staging, the same document  is deleted in turn from the production site. I tested this point  and you can also have a look to this related post from an Oracle Consultant which explains how to prevent a deletion on the target site for some specific business uses.

  • Import process is removed if there is error? What is the status of the data?

Archiver Replication Exception enables administrators to prevent failed imports from stopping replication.
The primary purpose for the Archiver Replication Exceptions feature is to allow filtering of failed Archiver imports to optimize the handling and notification of such failures.


  • Socket connection could not  be used to transfer data when the size is too big. What is the standard process to transfer big data? Need specific implementation to use file system?
    • The recommended  method is using a shared file system fro large documents. A metadata allows filtering documents depending their size, and build a specific archive with specific transfer mode (through a shared drive, for instance)

Cf archive strategies In this document, some scenario are described, and especially the mass update of metadata


  • There is a tool to copy authorization from WCP to WCP. Could you give us more detail on it? (The objective is to know if we can secure data access in WCC).
    • Archiver can export Security Groups but not all security related informations.
    • Roles and Accounts are exporting with CMU tool (Configuration Migration Utility). The Configuration Migration utility is used with the Archiver to export one Content Server instance configuration to another Content Server instance. While the Archiver is used to migrate content, the Configuration Migration utility exports the configuration and customization of the Content Server instance.
    • A summary compares the different tools depending the purpose.

About the author

GPM Factory